We're Collin and Lindsey. Two not-so-newly married 20-somethings living in the swampy South. Both of us are Florida natives who grew up on the gleaming white beaches of Sarasota County. Together we've called Gainesville home for 6 years now and are loving this city more with each passing season.

Collin is employed by the University of Florida, his alma mater, and works in an office setting as a program coordinator. He studied journalism and communications as an undergrad and has plans to attend grad school in the next few years. A life-long soccer player  he now plays for a UF intramural team (winners, 2011 season!) and practices with a regional city league. He also likes to play soccer with Early Girl when we go to the park. Collin was born a Gator and grew up visiting Gainesville for football weekends. He moved here to attend college right after high school and plans to stick around another 50 years. Heavy metal makes his ears happy, pork makes his belly happy, and he likes to find new craft beers to bring home and try.

Lindsey spends her days in the laboratory as a Quality Assurance Supervisor. She previously worked in the laboratory as the microbiologist, monitoring water quality for contamination, but now hangs out in her corner office maintaining certification for the lab. What a mouthful. After high school, she skipped off to attend Boston University and soon found that her tolerance for cold was not as high as she had anticipated. These days her evenings are full of cooking their favorite foods, working on one of the eleventybillion projects she has going on, and crafting enamel jewelry in her kiln for sale on Etsy or at local art shows (well, these days she's just listing already-made items of hers for sale as the enamels she uses are leaded and that means no-touching while she's pregnant). She likes Swedish pop music, big tattoos, picnics in the grass, and ballet flats.

How did it all happen?
Well, we technically met three times before we got together. As youngsters when we attended the same school during 6th-8th grade, at a mutual friends high school graduation party, and then again at the same friends house party during college. We kept in touch after that last meeting; going to shows and movies that Summer while Collin was in Sarasota working at an internship. Eventually he went back to Gainesville for the semester, and in January he invited Lindsey to come visit him and have fun at a house show he and his roommates were throwing.
That weekend things fell into place, and a first kiss was had.
The next weekend he was driving to Sarasota, two coke-cherry slurpees in hand to come visit her.
Six months later, Lindsey was packing up a too-small U-haul and setting off North on I-75 to Gainesville.
Six more months and Collin proposed on Christmas Morning.
Then, we were married on October 4, 2008 with the friend who introduced us so many times standing as Lindsey's maid of honor.
Now, after 3+ years of marriage we're expecting our first child in November 2012.

Most nights we can be found sitting on our couch with the dog between us, television tuned to a favorite show.